How To Make Men Cherish You - Love Advice For Successful Women
Do you …
… find it frustrating that men seem to be intimidated by your success and intelligence and you don't want to make yourself small just to please them?
… find it difficult to find a man who is ‘on your level’?
… feel depleted and tired because you put so much effort into your relationships with little results - you still don’t get the love and cherishing you desire?
If you feel like this, you are not alone - most women today feel the same!
This was me as well ...
For years I've been struggling to exist in a masculine-oriented world until I realised that as a woman it was not just unhealthy to be too much in masculine energy but it also destroyed my relationships!
Unconsciously I imitated men in their behaviour and in relationships I tried to compete with my partner which resulted in ongoing power struggles - which was exhausting and totally disconnected us.
It also resulted in me attracting feminine men who wanted me to lead the relationship - but all I was craving for was a strong, masculine man who knew what he wanted and took charge!
But I thought I could not even admit to this desire because it would catapult me right back to the 1960s, where I would end up as a passive housewife.
So I thought, is that it?
Can I either be an independent but lonely and unfulfilled woman or a feminine woman with a great love life who has to play small so that her man’s ego doesn’t get busted?
Most women belief that men have a problem with their success - but this is not true! What men have a problem with is when successful women become hard, rigid, tough, competitive, single-minded (in other words: masculine) within their relationship.
Men have a problem when successful women bring the masculine drive they use to excel at work home. They don’t like it, they don’t find it attractive, they feel something is missing.
Why is that?
Is it because they are sexist, controlling, dominating men with vulnerable egos that need a woman to cater to them?
No, it isn’t.
It’s because of something very simple: Men are in love with the goddess.
Awaken A Love That’s Deeper Than Anything You’ve Ever Experienced
Men are mesmerised by the goddess that lives within every woman.
She is what they live for.
They will fight wars for her, do 80 work weeks without complaining and give their last dime - just to make her smile.
Men love to serve the goddess!
Unfortunately, most women are not aware of the power and beauty they carry within and so they try to get a man to love them in a masculine way. But you don’t need to do anything to win a man’s love - you only need to be feminine, in your own unique way.
This is what men really love about women - they want to be graced by their beauty and love.
Feminine Power Is A Sacred Secret
But I understand … you’ve been raised in a culture that makes love conditional and ties it to achieving. So just being loved for who you are seems to good to be true.
And also, femininity sounds too much like being a passive doormat without a personality and opinion!
All your life you’ve been taught that you need to be a fierce, strong woman who makes herself heard and goes for what she wants - with vigor! I get it - I’ve been raised in the same culture and I’ve been there …
“You’ve been raised in a culture that makes love conditional and ties it to achieving. So just being loved for who you are seems to good to be true.”
But ask yourself this - has it worked out for you? Have you found a man that you were able to create the deeply connected and loving relationship with that you are desiring in your heart (probably not, otherwise you wouldn’t be on this blog!).
So maybe it’s time to try a new approach … Maybe it’s time to try something completely new - something so earth shattering beautiful, it will make you bow in deep gratitude to the power of the goddess, the divine feminine force that is buried within you!
Everything Shifted When I Understood Divine Feminine Energy
I struggled for years with unfulfilling relationships and the feeling that as a woman I was disadvantaged in this world. I didn’t like men very much and I thought the answer to my problems was to become even stronger, more opinionated and fight more for my right to be equal.
What I didn’t realise was that I totally was giving my power away …
My innate, beautiful, mystical, feminine power that allows me to operate from a place of abundance and beauty, creating a life of connection, bliss and deep fulfilment - without all the struggle for “equality” that we are taught!
When you are operating from a place of love you don’t need to be “equal” to your man because:
he’ll carry you on his hands because that’s his nature …
He’ll want the best for you because he loves you deeply …
He’ll want to protect and cherish you because you are everything for him ….
And if that seems totally foreign to you, watch my Youtube video: How my husband suddenly treated me like a queen:
My Journey Of Becoming A Goddess
When I met my now husband Matt I started to realise how positive embodying feminine energy could be for relationships. But this realisation alone didn’t help me because the belief that I will become a weak and controllable woman if I’m feminine was so strong that I was blocking myself to step fully into radiant femininity.
Also there were no role models in my surroundings, most women I knew spend 80% of their time in masculine energy, being driven, hard and hyper-rational (and having shitty relationships!).
But then I finally found the one thing that allowed me to take a massive jump into a completely new reality - and this was to spend time in the energy of a female mentor, someone who was already living the reality that I was craving for.
I received a lot of guidance, wisdom and tools but I felt that simply sharing sacred space with a woman who already had her inner goddess awakened allowed me to change my beliefs around what was possible in relationships and how powerful I could be as a woman.
This is how the law of attraction works - you start vibrating at the same frequency with who you spend time with …
Together we focused on upgrading my negative beliefs about men and to soften my energy through sacred feminine practices.
This is also what allowed me to totally shift the attraction in our 7 year relationship. I know that many women are struggling because they feel that their husband looses attraction after some time (which feels absolutely devastating as a woman!). Femininity is the key to attraction - so if this is something you are dealing with I encourage you to learn about femininity (or book coaching with me!).
- My husband Matt and I -
We All Have The Goddess Within Us - We Just Need To Awaken Her
And now it’s your turn! This is your invitation to awaken your inner goddess, to shine brighter than ever before and to create a relationship that will knock you off your feet!
It doesn’t depend on your looks, you don’t have to become someone else or fit into any 'box’ of what you think femininity is …
You simply need to shed layers of conditioning around why it’s not a good idea to be feminine, learn a few tools to connect with your feminine core and your inner goddess will start to awaken 💗
And if you’d like to support on this journey, book a coaching session - I’ll show you the divine feminine secrets that have changed my life!